Friday, February 3, 2012

Super Bowl snacks!

I love pop culture + I love beer = I love the Super Bowl!

The Super Bowl is gluttony at its finest, nothing but watching TV and eating. And everybody wants heavy, greasy food that goes well with beer. Me, too! But I also want to lose weight, so what should I do? Suffer with small portions? Just say fuck it and eat? Isn't there another option? Heck yeah! Here are some decadent recipes I may try this weekend. They aren't traditional low-fat, low-calorie diet recipes, so you may be wondering how these foods can be good for your diet. Lemme 'splain.

First, these foods don't have the addictive qualities that meat and dairy do. They won't be calling you from the kitchen to come have just a little more. My husband says that when you don't want to eat something compulsively then that means it's not very good. I totally and completely disagree. Eating compulsively is not natural, no other species does it, and the only reason we do is that modern, high-fat, refined foods fool our mechanisms of satiety and bang on the reward centers in our brains and make us think that overeating this stuff will be good for our survival. If this thought is blowing your mind, you will LOVE this video of Dr. Lisle breaking it all down.

Second, all these foods will be a little bit lower in calories and fat and all will be cholesterol free. Some will be much, much lower in calories and fat.

Finally, you're sure to end up consuming more micronutrients and a better nutritional profile overall than you would with regular sliders and wings. For example, probably the least nutritious thing here is the Tofurkey beer brats, which are 260 calories with 13 grams of fat and 8 grams of fiber for one. In contrast, Eating Well's light boneless chicken wings are 256 calories, 10 grams of fat and 2 g fiber. Guess which one will keep you full longer? Regular brats will be around 350 calories, but actually the first recipe I found was 700 calories for one!

Now, before we get into the recipes, I have to tell you that some involve ingredients that, while easy to find, you have probably never used. Before you decide that nutritional yeast is something you never want to put in your mouth, check out the label on your favorite processed food. I promise there will be an ingredient far more disturbing. And if you've eaten fast food in the past few years, you've probably eaten the dreaded pink slime. Something so foul it has to be soaked in ammonia before it can be consumed. And guess what? The Ag department just bought 7 million pounds to put into school lunches. Sorry to be a downer, but Tofurkey is nowhere near the abomination that stuff is. Meat analogues have a long history of human consumption. But that's a story for another time.

Two of the best vegan-by-accident party foods are guacamole and seven-layer dip. I'm sure I'll be making one or both. Here are ideas for the seven layers in no particular order:

vegetarian refried beans, salsa, guacamole, toffuti sour cream mixed with taco seasoning, rehydrated TVP cooked with taco seasoning or just buy the Lightlife Smart Ground Mexican (so. many. jokes.), sliced black olives, chopped green onion, chopped tomato, and cilantro.

Or how about nachos! This recipe has a faux queso I'm interested in trying. I'm also VERY interested in trying this vegan queso in a jar that Hungry Girl raved about.

For any holiday or occasion, you can always rely on Fat-Free Vegan Kitchen to have the plan. She's got a great Super Bowl idea, a big pot of chili with chips and guacamole.

Chic Vegan is a cool online magazine that has a nice round up of Super Bowl recipes, including some buffalo dips that look awesome.

You can make sliders, dogs or brats using the fake meat versions. I've been imagining using a biscuit cutter on my veggie burgers and making a slider bar with carmelized onions, sauteed mushrooms, guac, pickles, coleslaw. You could just go crazy! And I'd crumble the scraps into chili or tacos. That would be cool, right?

For a craft beer lover like me, Tofurkey makes awesome beer brats using Full Sail Amber Ale. I just love brats and sauerkraut on a good bun with grainy mustard. I also found this crazy DIY beer brat recipe from a vegan beer lover. It doesn't sound too hard, so maybe I'll try it.

Whatever you're eating, I hope it's a fun day.

Yours in good health,

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